I LOVE Bulletin Boards

I LOVE bulletin boards. There. I said it.

Some people collect objects. I collect pictures of bulletin boards. My students and friends send me pictures of bulletin boards to add to my collection. If you’re reading this and thinking, “Marisa Macy sure is strange” then you are 100% correct, my friend!

Bulletin boards are more than just the visual version of background noise in a busy school, classroom, hallway, or on a door.  To me bulletin boards are sources of beauty and inspiration. A masterpiece is created with just some paper, scissors, tape, push pins, and glue. Bulletin boards are gorgeous works of art that hang in an educational setting for a short time before they are torn down and replaced with a new one. Unlike Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” with a permanent placement hanging in the Louvre, bulletin boards are only here for a short time. Maybe that is part of what makes them so special to me…the temporary nature of this art form. Beauty is found in the impermanence.

Here are some bulletin boards that I adore. Thank you to these bulletin board artists. Enjoy!