I provide professional development for early childhood educators on the Assessment, Evaluation, & Programming System (AEPS®). You may contact our publisher Brookes on Location directly at 1-800-638-3775.

Virtual Presentations:

Click on the link for a presentation on INCLUSION OF YOUNG CHILDREN (about 20 minutes) at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair on screening and evaluation of early childhood development which aims to promote the global and optimal development of children aged between 0 and 6 years old which is chaired by Dr. Carmen Dionne.

Click on the link for a presentation on CHILD FIND: IDENTIFYING CHILDREN FOR IDEA SERVICES IN A REMOTE AND VIRTUAL CONTEXT (about 50 minutes) created for the the Coffee Chat series hosted by Brookes Publishing Co. Child Find is a legally mandated requirement for states to actively screen young children for disabilities in order to provide early intervention services. This screening is important to continue during the current health crisis. Learn ways to provide Child Find services through remote and virtual activities.